I love to use mason jars for almost everything in my home. Because why not? They’re extremely versatile, and durable, and can add just the right rustic touch that you’re hoping to bring to your home. Besides the more obvious use of storing things, mason jars can be used as a homemade candle holder, or for when you want to present that special someone in your life with a thoughtful gift that comes straight from the heart. Check out these clever uses for mason jars!

Clever Uses for Mason Jars
Still, wondering what a few others may do with their mason jars? I’d love to share with you what I’ve discovered. These are clever uses for mason jars that you can use in your home. Isn’t it fun to apply Do It Yourself (DIY) ideas to your daily routines of saving money and using things you already have?
1. Canning and Storing Food
Of course, you could always use mason jars for their original purpose of canning and storing food. That way you have your food storage ready to go in glass jars for emergencies or simply when you need them, just like your mother or grandmother used to do.
2. Matchstick Holder with Striker Lid
Matchboxes can be irritating at times because they’re not exactly sturdy and sometimes fail to work like they were originally intended. And when you’re going camping, there’s always the chance of them getting wet. To solve this problem, consider using a mason jar to store your matches and then apply a striker on the top of the lid.
3. Herb Garden in a Mason Jar
How many of you use various herbs for cooking and remedy purposes? When you don’t feel like going out to the garden or you simply don’t have the space in your yard for the garden you want, you always have the option to grow your herbs in mason jars. Just set up a few up on a windowsill that receives plenty of sunshine and you’ll have herbs in no time! Many herbs are used to make spices, so you’ve just added them to your meal prep opportunities.
4. Mason Jar Bird Feeder
Want to attract more birds to your yard? Make a birdfeeder with mason jars and fill them up with bird seed. Place the feeders outside, hang them from trees or plant poles, and watch as a variety of birds come to your yard!
5. Storing Smaller Items
Mason jars are an ideal container to use when you’re storing sewing supplies, art supplies, craft supplies, and things like bolts, nails, and a variety of screw types. They also came in handy to store things like pencils, pens, small rulers, markers, paper clips, and other office supplies that often get strewn on your desk or work counter. Who hasn’t used a mason jar as a pencil holder?
You can also consider keeping your garden seeds tucked away in them until the beginning of spring when you’re ready to use them.
6. Bathroom Counter Storage
Tired of your bathroom items being sprawled out on your limited countertop space without any organization method? I have the perfect solution! Use mason jars as bathroom organizers to Keep some cotton balls, bath salts, facial masks, small perfumes, toothbrushes…whatever it may be organized right there on your counter! To make it look more decorative, add a few drops of paint to the bottom of each jar and let it dry.
7. Beeswax Candle
Whether the power has gone out again or you’re simply in the mood for some relaxing candlelight, a mason jar can be used to make a beeswax candle for you. It will work similarly to a small lantern or oil lamp. Seems like we never have enough lamps available during a power outage or other emergency.
They’ll add a nice honey-like fragrance to the room without creating a waxy mess that you have to clean up later. You can also use mason jars to create tiki torches for a nice decoration for home decor that you can have outside on your patio when you have guests over and need extra lighting. 10 Clever Uses for Candle Wax
8. Soap Dispenser
Have you ever thought of using mason jars to make a mason jar soap dispenser that you can use in the kitchen or bathroom if you’re looking for more of a rustic-style them in those rooms? 45 Uses for Dawn Dish Soap
9. Sewing Kit and Pin Cushion
Speaking of sewing supplies, why not convert a mason jar into a mini-sewing kit so you can keep everything gathered in one spot? You can keep scissors and your thread in them and then convert the ring around the top of the jar into a pin cushion. Also consider using the jars to store things like buttons, ribbon, tape, twine, small glitter capsules, and a container to store those hot-glue gun sticks.
Speaking of hot glue guns, sometimes they drip the glue where you don’t want it. Consider using a mason jar to hold the glue gun itself as you’re working on those crafts. A wide-mouth jar would probably work the best.
10. Drinking Glasses
Instead of always throwing out that empty tomato sauce jar whenever you make spaghetti, why not use them as drinking glasses? If you want to, you can also fancy them up a bit by painting them yourself or turning them into a crafts project with your kids.
They can also come in handy to store juice or other beverages you want saved for a day or two in the fridge. Have some soup left over, put it in a mason jar and save it for another meal. The good thing is, with the lid on top you don’t worry about these liquids getting spilled and making a mess.
11. Storing Your Leftovers
When you don’t have any plastic containers to help keep your leftovers fresh in the fridge, a mason jar with a lid to seal it up will do the trick. They’re leak-proof and can hold all sorts of foods like pasta, salad, meats, fruits, and veggies.
12 . Salt or Pepper Shaker
Set a mason jar or two on the table and turn it into a salt or pepper shaker for dinner guests to use. Just add several small holes to the top of your mason jar lids. You can even decorate your mason jars however you want and customize them with various types of seasonings that you want your guests to have.
13. Single-Serving Smoothie Maker
It just so happens that a single blender blade that you probably have in your kitchen can fit perfectly inside a pint mason jar. This means you can make a personal-size smoothie for yourself by adding some of your favorite ingredients like kefir, fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, or whatever else floats your boat!
While you thinking of other uses in the kitchen, consider using an open quart mason jar as a straw or utensil holder, a vase to hold those special flowers you want to show off. The fancy decorative mason jars are also awesome to use when canning jams and jellies.
14. Gift Ideas
For those of you who are looking for gifts for teachers or for a loved one around the holidays, why not try creating something special in a mason jar? Take any type of treat (think cookies, chocolates, brownies, etc.) and put it inside the jar along with a meaningful note or other items that will make their day. It’ll be sure to bring out lots of smiles!
Final Word
The possibilities are almost endless when it comes to being creative with mason jars. Check out these 30+ Things You Can Do with Mason Jars! They can be used in several different areas around your home whether you’re a prepper, gardener, or just like to do arts and crafts from time to time. With these clever uses for mason jars, I can assure you that you’ll find yourself coming up with even more ideas on what you can do with them. Can you think of any other clever uses for mason jars that you’d be willing to share? I’d love to hear from all of you in the comments section below!
Copyright Images: Canning Jars AdobeStock_82607567 By Ckimballphoto
The post 14 Clever Uses for Mason Jars appeared first on Food Storage Moms.