I started to look for more mugs each time I went and ended up with a pretty fun variety. So what to do with all of these fantastic mugs? I thought about the special people in my life who might appreciate a fun coffee mug and how I could match them to their individual personality!
Here is what I found:
2 Cat Mugs @ .99 each (Cicero)
1 Dino Mug @ .99 (Cicero)
2 Rae Dunn Mugs @ .99 each (NS)
1 Teavana Mug with Strainer and Lid @ .99 (NS)
1 Pineapple Mug (Target Brand) @ .99 (NS)
I have several friends who I buy gifts for during the holiday season. One friend lives in the South – cue the pineapple mug! Another friend loves cats. And another loves tea. I am still debating on the Rae Dunn mugs and who they will eventually go to. But the Dino mug was immediately scooped up by none other than my husband. He took it to work as a pen holder!
When giving the mugs as gifts, I will likely add in a gift card for coffee, some tea bags and personalize it with whatever else might fit, such as candy, lip gloss, gum, a fun pen, etc. If you see a cute mug the next time you are at Thrifty Shopper, don’t pass up the opportunity to send an affordable gift to someone just for fun, or maybe a birthday or even a holiday!
About the Author
Nicole Abold is a Christ-follower, wife, mother of three, teacher and frugal enthusiast. She enjoys making memories and sharing experiences with her family. As those things add up monetarily, she is constantly searching for new ways to save including finding bargains, repurposing and reusing whenever possible!
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The post Thrifted Mugs Make Perfect Gifts for Any Occasion! appeared first on Thrifty Shopper.
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