News — HomeTech

Smart Parenting: We Asked 16 Dads Which Baby Gadgets Are Actually Worth Buying


Tags Baby, Electronics, HomeTech, SmartDevices, Tech

Smart Parenting: We Asked 16 Dads Which Baby Gadgets Are Actually Worth Buying

Some things are just signature dad. There are dad jokes, of course, dad bods, cargo shorts and those classic dad shoes that have somehow become trendy again. These habits grow over time, typically as a dad grows through fatherhood and becomes cooler and cooler by the second. However, what about the first moment a man becomes a father? Are there any surefire signals of this transition? It could be the moment your partner first tells you they’re pregnant or perhaps it’s the moment you first lay eyes on your tiny offspring in the delivery room. It also could easily be...

How To Clean Your Washing Machine—Because It’s Not Going To Clean Itself


Tags ActiveRecovery, CleaningHacks, HomeTech

How To Clean Your Washing Machine—Because It’s Not Going To Clean Itself

Hate to say it, but you’ve got one more addition your spring cleaning list. Just like your dishwasher, your washing machines does most of the heavy lifting, but it’s also not going to clean itself. In fact, you should be cleaning your washing machine pretty regularly if you don’t want to damage your clothes, says Katie Jennings, manager of consumer technical insights at Seventh Generation. “Just like any appliance, you need to properly maintain it. And cleaning is a part of proper maintenance for any appliance you’d like to keep working better for longer,” says Jennings. “The more modern machines,...