
Bloomin Frazzles!


Friday 6th May 2022

Oh ma'an track as you eat it is the lesson of the day!  I was over by 84 calories which is the packet of Frazzles I had, maybe I'd have decided not to have them if I'd realised, we'll never know. 

I did enjoy my meals yesterday thought, quick easy lunch, Heinz curry beanz and eggs on dry fried bread, I don't really eat toast anymore as it gives me heartburn, but dry frying doesn't which is weird! 

For tea we had home made cauliflower cheese because I got my hands on a reduced huge cauliflower for 65p, used this recipe for the sauce Quick & Easy White Sauce (, I used 200g of cheddar and 6 tablespoons of parmesan and it served 4, 392 calories each.  We had it with Youngs fish in batter which is on offer in Sainsburys. 

We enjoyed our huddles as always, we've all agreed tracking really is key even if you're not doing great or going over, it just keeps you aware. 

I'm off to pick up my new glasses this morning, then I plan to sort out all the stuff we've had so far for the women's refuge and I need to tidy my room lol, my clothes are all over the floor like a teenager! 

Foodwise, I have suggested toad in the hole as Aryn wants to make Yorkshires but whether it'll happen, we shall see. 

Here's to a fab day, I get weighed tomorrow so I need to stay on track, will be happy with 1/2lb this week to be honest.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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