
Taco Tuesday


Today’s menu:

  • Salsa Chicken; different than that recipe, because the salsa I had to use up was Rick Bayless’ Frontera Salsa
  • + added canned mushrooms, a small can, added an hour and a half after the 3:45 sit-down time…turns out canned mushrooms in the crockpot taste amazing, like WAY better than canned otherwise
  • with the fixings: daisy light sour cream, and 3-cheese Mexican cheese mix
  • …and various tortillas/tortilla ‘skins’: whatever wheat ones my folks have, and *I’m* trying out these ‘jicama tortillas‘ which only have 15 cals (3 g carb) for TWO!
  • refried beans, canned, with more salsa, on…
  • ‘instant’ brown rice, 10 min, from a box, topped with…
  • caramelized onions, and on the side:
  • grilled garlic greens fresh-picked from the garden today!
  • grilled mini-peppers, and a…
  • green lettuce salad w/ guacamole salsa dressing

Outcome & Future: I ended up caramelizing the onion in 2 batches, and added more salsa to the crockpot when I added the mushrooms. Then cooked the rice for a long time, and then finished cooking it with the juicy salsa of the chicken, as it was still! not soft enough for the folks. Meanwhile, I had grilled the garlic stalks, which was super fast, then grilled the mini peppers, then grilled each 2 tortillas separately, quickly, then together in a quesadilla. Then I captured the heat from the grill with the jicama tortillas, which were NOT a hit, too crunchy, a big slimy, and jicama flavored, which was weird as a tortilla. I ended up making, for me, a Taco SALAD this Tuesday, & we used 2 of the 4 chicken breasts.

Tomorrow I’m cooking some other chicken breasts (3 or 4 left in the Sam’s big pack) in wine, lemon, caramelized onions, more mushrooms, and garlic cloves. I’ll serve with cranberry sauce, asparagus and cauliflower. I may also make a cream of asparagus ends (& nettle?) soup, and do something with the bits of chicken fat


  • PC tabs (like this one! ha!)…slow going! might be done tonight
  • ideas for income streams, captured as I review tabs, over 1k!!!
  • kitchen…only a bit
  • compost this eve…nope…tomorrow I guess.
  • basement tonight (was NOISY today, as trees being trimmed in hood due to previous electrical storm, plus got nice and sunny upstairs in afternoon) {{see below}}


  • exercise with tato? nope I didn’t
  • yard walking, gardening? nope, nope
  • basement cleaning…not yet, thought it’s *only* 10:00pm….

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