Ive made 500 posts here (counting this one), through thick and through thin. My diet went from general (but mostly whole foods), through mostly Paleo / Weston-Price, through needing MORE fiber in my life (more legumes and grains/pseudograins), to retirement and moving north, adding in homesteading posts, to what Ill call a Paleo-Influenced food plan. And suddenly less healthy, higher glycemic carbs, which are influencing my bathroom scale, often due to racing back and forth to the old home to get it sold. Even so, along the way, Ive happily avoided margarine, TVP, vegetable oil. and standard deli meats (okay, pepperoni ends up on pizza occasionally). And I do have to admit there isnt a single faux sweetener out there that remotely tastes interesting enough (and usually without an accompanying annoyingly lingering aftertaste) that I will ever consider cooking with it. I ditched that particular type of stuff long before I learned to care about what was in my food.
Hopping around my recipes reminds me there are a few gems in there I havent made for awhile and need to make again, soon.
PS, today is also my birthday 66 years orbiting around our good ole Sun.

Uttapam Pancakes
Other than the specific tree-nut sensitivity that cropped up along these years, I havent entirely eliminated ANY food group. (It turns out I can do coconut and almond.) The best idea is to MODERATE some food groups, mostly the more detrimental ones. Although Ive yet to see a good point for me to choose to cook with margarine, TVP, vegetable oil or standard deli meats theyre all modern inventions and none of them actually comprise a true food group anyway. Ive seen no reason to add them into my ongoing meals.)
Looking back over all 500 recipes (oh, which include a few homesteading things), Im going to link here back to my favorites in several categories. Ill put anywhere from one to three recipes in each category. These recipes are NOT in order its mood-dependent! Some might overlap. (Categories, are, however, alphabetized.)
Breakfast or Brunch: Despite my standbys being omelets, over-easy, and simpler recipes, here are some more involved ones.
- South Indian Uttapam Pancakes. I cannot eat this vegetarian dish often enough. Time constraints do end up limiting it, as this is NOT a quick dish. Features broken rice, urad dal, and seasonings such as fenugreek and curry leaf. Additions include tomato and onion, and I do dot it with ghee or butter, but if you omit that, its vegan friendly. Everyone I have served it to, loved it. Wanted seconds, if available.
- The Shad RoeBreakfast. I do something similar once most every year. Missed it this one. Apparently it is easier to come across shad roe in Connecticut than up here.
- Full Sized CrustlessQuiche. Two varieties, one vegetarian and one not. I also have a recipe post for about three different small mini-crustless quiches turns out you need a different ratio of the main components. Seriously, I prefer quiche without the crust. Its not only about lessening the amount of carbs here. Its TASTE. I have found quiches really dont need crustiness.

Assembling the pear up-side-down cake.
Desserts, Sweets, or Baked Goods:
- Pear Upside Down Cake with Buttermilk. Turned out surprisingly well, for me not being a sweet tooth and all. Vegetarian. Not gluten-free.
- Gluten-Free Flourless Chocolate Cake. I do admit a liking for chocolate. So. Here we are. Made it a couple times when company was impending; and not too sweet, but not so non-sweet as to turn guests off on it. It is very rich, a little does go a long way. Its been a success, and the gluten-free attendees have been happy.
- Gluten-Free Muffins with Almond Meal, Squash and Blueberries.. They also contain pine nuts which I can no longer eat. I made them for a bake sale at work a bundle of years ago. They did move off the table. Not too sweet, but they apparently hit the spot.
- Moroccan Boneless Goat LegRoast. A lovely meal with something Id forgotten was in the freezer!
- Ground Goat Patties, and StuffedPeppers. Stuffing bell peppers with ground goat and various veggies was great enough I did it several times. Right now Im looking for goat meat to continue on this path. (I skip rice entirely whenever I stuff things.)
- Khatta Meat. This is a Northern Indian curry which uses either goat meat, or mutton (older sheep). I did find goat meat to use in this. The goat supplier no longer exists.
Grain-Based: NOT, of course, entirely made such and such just a grain-inclusive, but where the grain seriously carries the dish. Certainly not Whole30 or Paleo, but I do these under consideration. My personal body does require some grains Again Im with not cutting out entire real-food groups other than allergies/sensitivities! (Balance them)
- Greek Spanakopita. Rice and spinach, essentially.
- Indian Basmati Rice Flavored with Cumin, Fenugreek, Curry Leaf.
- Vegetarian Pizza-Like Cheese Melts: Indian or Mexican-influenced. Definitely fun. Uses either fenugreek paratha wraps or white corn tortillas. Obviously, adaptable to non-vegetarian concepts as well.
Greek: A new for me cuisine Im hoping to expand on in my own kitchen, ASAP!
- Lamb Kofta, grilled on skewers.
- Rooster Corfu. From home-grown roosters, this slow cooked dish is less complicated than Coq au Vin. And was a success twice served to guests here.
- Greek Tzatziki or Persian Mast-o-Khar. With cucumber.
- Vegetarian Cauliflower and OnionPakoras. After about three attempts, I got these chickpea flour appetizers down right. And theyre vegan, if you wish.
- Chicken Tandoori on theGrill. Ive tried Tandoori recipes in western ovens. Im afraid that Tandoori food needs the awesome heat of the grill (unless, of course, you own a tandoor)
- Bharwaan Mirchee Stuffed Bell Peppers(Indian). Another vegetarian recipe of note.

Japanese Onigirazu, three styles
- Onigirazu Japanese RiceSandwiches. These things are fantastic and versatile! I made three varieties for this post. Adorable!
- Whole Trout, Japanese Hot PotStyle
- Dashi Recipes (Japanese brothstock). Three dashi recipes, one which is vegan. Oh, none of these use that powdered dashi stuff which seems to be more prevalent these days.
- Japchae. Im having a hard time in this category; I love just about everything Korean that Ive made. But we will persevere and limit ourselves to three. No particular order that would be a call beyond duty! This one I use yam noodles for the starch.
- Kimbap/Gimbap. Korean seafood (or pork, or veggie) rolls. Similar to sushi rolls, but theyre their own thing.
- Pyogo Jeon Korean Stuffed Mushrooms.I might have put Bulgogi here, or BBQ Korean beef, but since Im limiting myself to three choices, I went a bit off the beaten path. Those mushrooms are unique and tastefully awesome. Do try. Omnivore or vegetarian or vegan options are possible with this dish.
- Moroccan Mechoui (Slow Roasted Bone-In LambLeg). This is a different Moroccan preparation than I used for the goat leg listed above.
- Greek Stuffed Grape Leaves (Dolmas) withLamb. Time consuming, but worth it.
- Irish Shepherds Pie. If you use beef, it tastes different (inferior, actually), and should properly be named Cottage Pie so that those of us who prefer the lamb can know what to expect. (And, perhaps, well order something else and better.)

The Un-Philly! Strip steak, provolone, onion, Romaine.
Make-Overs: The first two definitely reflect that I do NOT like buns or thick bready things to wrap up and minimize what I consider to be tasty food. That they are also gluten-free is a positive to some of my readership (AND friends).
- The Un-Philly Sandwich. Yep, no bun, but a lettuce wrap.
- The Un-Popeye Chicken Sandwich. Also a lettuce wrap, and boneless-skinless chicken THIGH.
- Make-Over Catalina Salad Dressing. They changed the recipe back in the 80s to add in more sweetness, mostly in the form of high fructose corn syrup. Our family could not tolerate the taste change, and this really did affect our use of this condiment. So I was glad to come up an adaptation. This recipe has been used as an artichoke leaf dipping sauce. It also goes well on some salads, especially a nice avocado grapefruit salad.
Mains with Gluten: For a long while, just about everything I posted here was Paleo (gluten-free, legume-free, and added sugar-free). Below are some that actually do work best with wheat. I still make most of my meals at home Paleo. Seriously, I feel better that way. I do wonder for some of us who are NOT celiac if there are other ingredients in supermarket breads that a good bakery wont use. Which is why I respond health-wise to a GOOD bakery food, in a way I cant with a general supermarket bread-based product.
- Beef Kidney Recipes (aka GotKidneys?). This links to several recipes, but Im ONLY pointing to the English Beef and Kidney Pie in this collection. Puff pastry!
- Skillet Mac and Cheese withVeggies. Im not a fan of regular mac and cheese. I like this because adding some veggies is integral to this (its not just wallpaper paste), and theres no heavy crusty stuff on top. Ups the tasty sort of cheese factor, too. I think the skillet cooking method helps as well.
Offal: (Im picking one from different organs)
- Tacos de Lengua: Beef TongueTacos. I like tongue in a variety of ways, but this was something new Id tried, and it was a welcome success.
- Turkish Tripe Soup: Iskembe-corbasi. I have to say amazingly good.
- Stuffed Lamb Heart, Featuring Apple and Onion. It was HARD to pick just one heart recipe.

Whole30, gluten-free, pork based meatloaf.
Paleo/Whole30 (NO Gluten, NO Grains, NO Legumes): For this, I picked things typically made with grains. And made them better, without.
- Spinach, Turnip Greens, and Ground Meat Mini-Muffins. I makethese before road trips and eat them cold. The full sized muffins: I found 1 of them to be too few but 2 to be too many. The mini size helps one adjust eating amounts to optimal on these road trips! An adaptation from Melissa Joulwans full-size recipe. Freaking awesome. PS, the turnip greens are optional, just add in a full bolus of spinach instead. You can even drop the meat altogether, replacing it with more spinach, for a great vegetarian Whole30 muffin.
- Grain-Free Pork Meatloaf: Cauliflower, Apple, Fennel. One day I figured out that the reason I didnt like meatloaf was due to the breading tossed in there. The Paleo movement encouraged me to create meatloaves that I LIKE! Since you (or at least I) dont want the loaf to be ALL meat, I started to learn creative substitutions for the silly breadcrumbs. Healthier, IMHO, too.
- Grain-Free Ground Beef Meatloaf: Sweet Potato. My first go-round with meatloaf, necessitated by getting tired of the patties and sauces made from my ground beef meat share, and wanting to stretch my wings. See above.
- Pork Butt Shoulder Roast.
- Fresh Pork Hock Osso Buco in the Slow Cooker.
- Pork Sausage Patties: Apple, Fennel Seed, Smoked Paprika, Sage.
Poultry: (Im picking one from each species currently at hand)
- Braised TurkeyThighs. Braised with various root veggies and cranberries.
- Baked Duck Breast withShiitake. Done simple, it packed a punch.
- Rooster Corfu. Home grown cockerel in a slow-simmered pot reminiscent of Greece.
- Bacon, Lettuce, & Tomato (BLT) Salad. So simple to create and enjoy!.
- Seafood Salad: Shrimp, Mussels, Cabbage Slaw
- Avocado Grapefruit Salad. I made this for the blog before I learned to do a Catalina salad dressing make-over. See above in the Make-Over section. Combine the two for a heavenly vegan salad!
- Stuffed Squid: Sweet potato, crab, scallop, mushroom, apple.
- Arctic Char: Cooked on a Cedar Plank.
- Eel, cooked with Salsa and Olive. Yes, you can substitute something like bluefish, something with body to carry this dish.
Soup & Stews:
- Mushroom Soup: No Flour, No Cream. But it does have butter. And it surprisingly thickens!
- West African Peanut Soup/Stew with (optional) Chicken
- Vegetarian Ethiopian Black-Eyed Pea Stew. Very tasty and warming!
Sous Vide:
- Sous Vide Chicken Breast (Skin on). Finally, a white meat chicken breast worth singing praises about. The main issue with chicken white meat is that it is either dried out, or undercooked. And if it is a thick piece, theres nothing one can do to render it tender yet cooked unless sous vide comes to the rescue.
- Sous Vide Salmon, with Asparagus and Mushrooms. Best with a thick salmon fillet or steak.
- Sous Vide Turkey Hearts, Alongside Broccoli and Onion. Seemed to be the most practical way to cook them through. (Without chopping them up.)
Spice Mix:
- Vegetarian Cauliflower and OnionPakoras. Yum, Yum, Yum.
- Stuffed DelicataSquash. Always welcome!
- Curry with Okra, Bitter Melon, and Eggplant (Aubergine). Over rice.

Vegetarian burgers on lettuce. Black beans, lettuce
Vegetarian (but non-vegan, as with either dairy or egg):
- Greek Tzatziki or Persian/IranianMast-o-Khiar. A great accompaniment to many Middle-eastern or Mediterranean dishes.
- Vegetarian Burgers (does contain egg).
- Vietnamese B Trn Ci Xoong Pan-Seared Beef & Watercress Salad, with Fish DressingSauce.
- Vietnamese Summer Rolls.These are just awesome. I love the thin skin of these rolls as opposed to thick fried skin of spring rolls, or of Chinese hand rolls. A nice healthy wrapping allowing one to focus on whats inside!
Fave Cookbooks: This is hard to decide. For this reason, I am listing FIVE. And, in no particular order.
- Madhur Jaffreys World Vegetarian. If one wants to cook and eat vegetarian or vegan (full-time or part-time), this is a great book to have on your shelf. Seriously, the best vegetarian foods are from cultures with a long-standing history of eating this way. Thats indeed what Jaffrey focuses on. Downsides: Dont expect a lot of photos, and it is a hard book to poise open on the counter while you are cooking (it is LONG)! BUT, dont let that deter you!
- Deborah Abraham-Klein. Silk Road Vegetarian. I like this book even better than Jaffreys, but my eyes are getting old which means the text appears to be shrinking Less recipes, but all seem very well thought out.
- Cooks Illustrated: The Science of Good Cooking. Here you get some tried and truly tested cooking techniques, along with recipes to, ahem, illustrate the principles. Yes, I know, they dont really have expertise in foreign cuisine, and when they go health they prefer low fat to low carb but when they study techniques, they study techniques. Do get this book. Downside: Not a lot of photos, but hey, were here to cook, right?
- Russ Crandall. Paleo Takeout: Restaurant Favorites Without All the Junk. Again we happily skip around the world, in this case pursuing the upgrade of food to a Paleo style of eating, subbing in healthy alternatives to some of the less-nutritious items out there.
- Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg. The Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of Americas Most Imaginative Chefs. The subtitle does indicate that this is NOT a true cookbook, but a guide for your own kitchen creations. Basically, what flavors and ingredients go with which other flavors and ingredients, with reference to cultural food norms.
Fave YouTube Cooking Channels: Again, this will be five. Alphabetical order. I am picking ones that seem individual-oriented, rather than promoted from a large company per se, although I dont know if this applies to the last on this list. I have ignored a couple of quality ones where the narrator is (to me) annoying. Sorry, Chef John you didnt start out with that horrible vocal inflection problem, so I consider it a terrible affectation that prevents me from watching your videos. Learning from videos should not be painful!
- Binging with Babish. Im not really interested in his TV/movie/cartoon food recreations (in part because those can be over the top in a bad way, and also because I really am highly TV/movie/cartoon illiterate!) but to give him credit, if he does a re-creation, he at least in recent videos makes an effort at following up with a tasty and edible substitution. Plus, his voiceover tone is mesmerizing, he has a sense of dry humor, and he doesnt cover up mistakes. And hes a decent dude, working to give back to people less fortunate along the way. He has a sub-topic on his channel called Basics with Babish which I especially enjoy, since hes not bothering with those re-creations in those videos. Babish (Andrew Rea) has two cookbooks out, but since they focus on the TV/movie recreations, I am not bothering to purchase.
- Chinese Cooking Demystified. Off somewhere in the hinterlands? of China, are a couple who are uploading awesome cooking recipes, probably through some arcane VPN, to us in the western world. Authentic, with ideas to adapt to those of us in the West. The couple will talk about the derivations of their recipes, which I fully appreciate.
- Maangchi. Im simply mystified that there are so MANY Korean recipes out there! Oh, a couple do feel like thrown in to fill the bill, but most dont fall into that category. She likes her food hotter than my gut can currently stand, but thats easily adaptable, and shes engaging and specific in presenting her myriad of Korean recipes. I am now the proud owner of her two cookbooks. Ive cooked from the former, but the second has simply just arrived about a month ago, and theres been too much going on here to follow up yet.
- Townsends. Living the colonial experience, most of the content is cooking colonially (with some German and English recipes included) from the 18th century. Theyve recently branched from food.
- The Victorian Way. This is actually a subcategory of the English Heritage channel, but The Victorian Way search name will get you more recipes and information about TRULY retro foods Gets me into my student of history mode.

Armrest of a refurbished wrought iron chair, detail.
Homesteading-Specific: (Five)
- Rooster Corfu. From home-grown roosters, this slow cooked dish is less complicated than Coq au Vin. And was a success when twice served to guests here.
- Refurbishing a Wooden Kitchen CuttingBoard.
- Refinishing/Refurbishing Wrought Iron Patio or Lawn Furniture.
- Raising Chickens: Trekking to My Chickens in Zone 5 Winter.
- Raising Chickens: The Bin, or Storage at Your Coop.
Remarkable Dining Out Experiences (that Ive written up):
- Dead Eye Dicks, Block Island, Rhode Island. I did post several eateries under the same blog header, but this one was an outstanding place on various levels of dining. Scroll about half way down, or so. It is also far enough from the harbor where the ferries arrive, that at least when I was there, the prices were quite reasonable. Focus is New England seafood. They had an awesome Rhode Island clam chowder, as well as other seafood specialties.
- Kung Fu Xiao Long Bao, Flushing, Queens, NYC, New York. Its the soup dumplings, and its the mapu tofu. I could lie down and die there, as long as their food keeps coming! So far out of my current driving distance, but I WANNA GO BACK!
- Alo Saigon, Westfield,MA.A nearby Vietnamese eatery that is both inexpensive and wonderful. Crepe, pho, and several other dishes Has expanded my horizons greatly!
Mission Statement: To create whole and real food that is also tasty, from a variety of cultural and personal inspirations and share, everywhere. To encourage myself to do more DIY projects, homesteading activities, and fun stuff such as that.
Goals for Immediate Future (blog-wise): January will be Whole30 recipes. February will be Greek recipes (although I may toss in a Cajun one for Mardi Gras if it works to my satisfaction). There wont be a month-specific thing going on for awhile after those. Themes can be fun, but they can also get in the way.
At any rate, I have a pre-set recipe for lamb tongue coming next Friday, and I am hoping for a dessert or sweet the Friday after that, and with luck, two seafood entries for the following Friday upon that. Im hoping the New Years posts can reflect Hogmanay, the Scottish welcoming-in-of the New, this year. We shall see.
Homesteading/Farming: Making maple syrup in February (more likely March). Planting herbs, potatoes, tomatoes, cukes, winter squash, Asian and other greens, kale, collards, chard. Getting the fruit tree orchards underway far more than they are now. Starting quail. Getting the solar activated. Getting a fishing licence and going fishing. Continuing chicken work. Putting in the wood stove in the living room. Getting the rest of the deck stained and preserved. Motivating the chestnuts. Working on developing a like-minded community of mutually-supportive people around here. I also need to MOVE, er, exercise more, and focus on overall health.
Creativity: Pursue the arts, and pursue writing. Learn woodworking. Return to stained glass endeavors. Learn to water color and/or do acrylics. Maybe oils, if I keep watching Bob Ross on YouTube. Get OUT more, see friends, museums, wilderness. Hug chickens. Hug cats.