
The Homemaker Plans Her Week: We Try



In my home this week, I'm definitely on the mend.  As colds go, this one wasn't long nor difficult. It came on quickly and it was pretty quick to heal.  

The little one has a new nursery to attempt.  I'd say that he's more than a bit anxious about it, as we had a terribly difficult day on Friday, and he was super clingy and insistent on Mama's attentions on Saturday.  It's hard to know what to do.  We want him to be aware of what's ahead but perhaps he'd be better not to know?  It's so hard to say.  We try our best and somehow, we still fail.    Little Miss may have been wiser than we are in all our years of living.



Zone 1:  Pantry/freezer/laundry/fridge.  It's time to do what I've procrastinated doing.  I have to do a complete inventory of my stock and then determine what it is we truly need and then get myself busy trying to track those items down.  

No, I don't think this will take a whole week to do.  Likely I will then tackle the kitchen cleaning.  There's work to be done there.  The floor needs to be mopped and the fridge needs to be wiped down inside.  There's a world of decluttering I ought to do, as I am already anticipating having to shift and pack and move things sometime in the near future.  

We must get tags on the cars.  At least they were bought on time.

If things go well during the week, we will attempt a third time to do something we've been trying to get done.  If this attempt fails, I'll ask John if we ought to reconsider.  

Perhaps this week I can manage a visit with Mama.  We shall see.   I don't want to get her hopes up and then disappoint so I tend to wait until I see how things are going.

Honestly, there's so much I ought to do that I barely know where to start.  So, I'll just do what I can and accomplish what I might and keep trying to do what I see needs to be done.

Isaac's present arrived and I'm not happy with it at all.  I'm going to have another go at ordering something for him.  I'll just set this item aside for use at another time.

Go over my cold supplies and be sure we have enough in stock for the next time we need those items.


I'm going to try another recipe for English Muffins and if this doesn't work, I'll not worry over it ever again.  I've found great recipes for bread, bagels, pizza dough, pie crust.  I can make beautiful biscuits, muffins and pancakes.  If I don't master English Muffins that's quite all right.  No one can be perfect in every area.  

Clean the fridge very well.  Take stock of what we have in the fridge.  I know I have some whole grains in the fridge and pickles and such that I want to use.


My family helped plan meals this week.  I don't always ask if there are certain meals, they want but I did this week.  lol. Live and learn!  I'll be going to the grocery store to get ingredients for a few of these, but good news is that I have the bulk of what is needed on hand.

The funny thing is that many of these meals were on my mind over the past few weeks, too.  Great minds and all that good stuff.

Pizza.  Standard Saturday evening fare around here these days.  No salad, no veggies on the pizza tonight.  We all ate lunch away from home and all had a vegetable then.

Beef Stroganoff, Noodles, Broccoli, Pickled Beets.  I need mushrooms and noodles for this.  I think I have beets in the pantry that I can pickle.  

Ribs, Corn on the Cob, Potato Salad, Coleslaw.  John wants ribs and corn on the cob for his birthday meal.  He'll have them.  I need to buy potatoes, since I'm completely out as well.

Crockpot Chicken and Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Roasted Cauliflower, Green Peas.  I can actually prepare this with what I have on hand.  As well as the next meals.  Whew!  It was starting to appear this might get to be a pricey week!

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Fruit.  I've been very disappointed in canned green beans of late.  Honestly, it's been mostly store brands and they are cheap, but they are not the quality vegetable that they were once upon a time.  I can tell my family feels the same because the beans are not getting eaten as they have in the past.

Chili Mac, Oyster Crackers, Pineapple Salad, Chocolate Pudding.  I had leftover chili last week that I froze.  All I require for this meal is on hand as well.  I've got instant pudding to use up but it's hard not to think of warm homemade pudding.  With whipped cream.  I would need to buy a dairy free cream...

????  I'll make some sort of meal from what's in the fridge.  I'm sure I can manage at least one meal.


I never set up new outfits last week, since I felt so unwell.  I'll work on that this week, pairing items with accessories, tops/bottoms.

I need to give myself a proper manicure.  Not the polish part.  The cuticle remover, filing nails, etc. part.  Ditto for pedicure.

Finish the Goudge book that I've gotten 2/3 of the way through and then keep laying down.  It's really a good book but I have let other things control my attention.  

Drink a glass of water with lemon or vinegar every single morning.

Get outdoors in the sun for at least ten minutes every day that it's clear.  It did me a world of good last winter and I know I need to follow through with this again this winter.  

(C) Terri Cheney

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