
The Perfect Steak Fries Recipe


Steak fries out of Russet potatoes are so delicious and so incredibly easy to make. For dinner the other day we had them with fish three ways and steamed vegetables.

When shopping at ALDI, I am always on the lookout for deals on food; especially fresh meat. One can often find $1, $2 or $5 off stickers on the packaged food in the meat counter or the fresh deli section. Whenever they are there, we totally stock up! $5 off of a salmon portion is an incredible deal, especially when we need to feed six people. So for dinner, we had fish three ways and found out we all super loved the trout!

Salmon, Mediterranean flavored Salmon and Trout

Cost breakdown for dinner

Mediterranean Flavored Salmon
Price was $9.98 at $8.99 per pound
This salmon was not on sale, but the budget could justify it because I was able to get the other two fish filets at such a great discount.

Steelhead Trout
Originally priced at $7.49 at $8.99 per pound; 0.8 pounds
Sale price, with $5 off, was $2.19
This comes to $2.73 per pound on sale

Atlantic Salmon

Originally priced at $7.04 at $7.49 per pound; 0.94 pounds
Sale price, with $5 off, was $2.04
This comes to $2.17 per pound on sale

Steamed Vegetables
Microwave steamer bag $1.09 for 12-ounces of carrot, broccoli and cauliflower

Russet Potatoes
My mom had gotten a few bags for no cost and gave these to our family; so there was no cost for potatoes for dinner.
Originally, 5-pound russet potato bag costs $3.29 at ALDI

All of the fish filets for our dinner cost $14.21 and a cost of $2.03 a serving; as Tyler had leftovers for lunch the next day. Had I bought them at regular price they could have cost $24.21. Not a bad deal for fresh fish filets!

Total cost for this dinner was $15.30 for our family of six.

Fish three ways…

Russet potatoes
Vegetable Oil
Seasoning Salt
Non-stick spray

1. Using a sink colander, rinse the potatoes well to remove all dirt.
2. Using a chef knife, cut each potato in half on a cutting board.
3. Cut each potato half in thirds for thick steak fry slices.
4. Make sure the slices are nice and big!
5. Place each potato slice into a large bowl.
6. Drizzle vegetable oil onto the potatoes.
7. Place a sheet of aluminum foil onto a baking sheet.
8. Pour the potatoes onto the baking sheet and sprinkle with coarse salt.
9. Sprinkle with Seasoning Salt for more flavor and bake for 30-45 minutes at 400 degrees.
10. Line another baking sheet with aluminum foil, spray with non-stick spray, and place fish filets on the sheet. Bake fish filets until the internal temperature at the thickest portion reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees.
Serve with ketchup or BBQ or whichever sauce you love to eat fries with!

All ready to eat!

1. Using a sink colander, rinse the potatoes well to remove all dirt. I really cannot express how much I love this over this sink colander! The edges have expandable grips that fit to any sink, it is dishwasher safe and helps to keep your food off the sink basin!

2. Using a chef knife, cut each potato in half on a cutting board.

3. Cut each potato half in thirds for thick steak fry slices. Cutting the potatoes with your knife at an angle makes each slice a wedge. Just be careful to keep your other hand away and safe.

4. Make sure the slices are nice and big!

5. Place each potato slice into a large bowl after being sliced. This will help you to coat each piece in oil before you pour them onto the baking sheet. I like to mix the potatoes in oil at this point rather than on a baking sheet because it ensures that each side will be coated and I know that is another step of assurance that the steak fries will not stick to the pan.

6. Drizzle vegetable oil onto the potatoes and mix well Make sure each one gets a good coating!

7. Place a sheet of aluminum foil onto a baking sheet and spray with a non-stick spray so the potatoes do not stick and are easily removed for dinner. Plus, using aluminum foil on a baking sheet helps your pans stay cleaner longer with such an easy cleanup! I have found that having our two older boys doing the dishes and having them not ruin my baking sheets with unnecessary scrubbing saves our family money in the long run.

8. Pour the potatoes onto the baking sheet and sprinkle with coarse salt. Use a spatula to mix the salt onto more of the potato sides.

  • Kosher salt is great because of its coarseness.

9. Sprinkle with Seasoning Salt for more flavor. Lawry’s gives steak fries a great flavor! I love to keep a large bottle of it for random foods. Have you tried it on mac&cheese? My sister, Jillian, put me up to Lawry’s on mac&cheese a long time ago and I cannot eat it now without it. yumm…

All seasoned and ready to bake@

10. Line another baking sheet with aluminum foil, spray with non-stick spray, and place fish filets on the sheet. Bake the fist filets until the internal temperature of the thickest portion reaches 145 degrees.

Atlantic Salmon, Steelhead Trout and Mediterranean Seasoned Salmon

Serve with steamed vegetables and enjoy!

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Steak Fries Recipe

Russet potatoes
Vegetable Oil
Seasoning Salt
Non-stick spray

1. Using a sink colander, rinse the potatoes well to remove all dirt.
2. Using a chef knife, cut each potato in half on a cutting board.
3. Cut each potato half in thirds for thick steak fry slices.
4. Make sure the slices are nice and big!
5. Place each potato slice into a large bowl.
6. Drizzle vegetable oil onto the potatoes.
7. Place a sheet of aluminum foil onto a baking sheet.
8. Pour the potatoes onto the baking sheet and sprinkle with coarse salt.
9. Sprinkle with Seasoning Salt for more flavor and bake for 30-45 minutes at 400 degrees.
10. Line another baking sheet with aluminum foil, spray with non-stick spray, and place fish filets on the sheet. Bake fish filets until the internal temperature at the thickest portion reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees.
Serve with ketchup or BBQ or whichever sauce you love to eat fries with!

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