
How to make Cauliflower Gnocchi


Cauliflower gnocchi is a tasty twist on the conventional dish, usually made with potatoes. Gnocchi is always deliciously filling, even more so when it’s made with soft cauliflower. We served these gnocchi with a light and mellowed tomato sauce and a generous handful of Parmigiano Reggiano.



Preparation Time: 30 min Cooking Time: 15 min
TOTAL TIME: 45 min
Cauliflower Gnocchi

INGREDIENTS for 4 servings

  • 300g (10oz)cauliflower 
  • about 200g (7oz) flour 0 
  • 1 tbsp EVO oil 
  • salt 



  • Wash the cauliflower and dry it. Cut it into florets and steam them until softened. Let them cool completely. 
  • Then put the cauliflower in a mixer together with a tablespoon of EVO oil, a pinch of salt and 100g of flour. Blend until you get a sticky mixture. 
  • Transfer the dough onto a floured surface and begin to work it by slowly adding the remaining flour. Add more flour if needed. Knead until obtaining a smooth dough.
  • Cut the dough in small portions and roll each into long “snakes” of 1 cm diameter.  
  • On a floured surface, cut the roll into 1,5-2 cm pieces, namely the gnocchi! If they are too tacky, dust them with flour.
  • To shape the gnocchi use the special tool if you have it, or use a fork. Place one gnocco against the tines of the fork and gently press it in and down the length of the fork, curling slightly the gnocco. Set the gnocchi aside.

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